STYLE made with LOVE®
Rashi Handicrafts
New Delhi, India
Partners since 2014
New Delhi, India
Partners since 2014
RashiHandicrafts, run by Sham, is more than just a group of skilled artisans. It’s abeacon of hope for the families who depend on it. With every passing year, their reputation has grown, as has the number of families employed by them. But it all began with just a few families who were determined to turn their lives around–and who ended up inspiring their entire village.One of the workshop’s greatest achievements is the number of women who have found independence there. Many were once confined to their homes, their dreams stifled by tradition. But now, they are contributing to their households and shaping their destinies. Some are the sole breadwinners, while others are supporting their husbands in providing for their families. Today, Rashi’s Artisans are crafting a brighter future for themselves, their families, and their community.
New Delhi, India
In 2023, India surpassed China to become the most populous country in the world, with1.4 billion people. Its people represent incredible cultural, linguistic, and religiousdiversity, as do the country’s 28 states. India has made great contributions to highermath, is the home of chess, and boasts the world's largest film industry (Bollywood). Thecountry has a rich history of handcrafts dating back to 5000 BC, including techniques likeweaving, pottery, jewelry-making, and metalworking.
SapnaSapna grew up in a small village near Delhi. Like many of the women at Rashi Handicrafts, she joined the workshop as a jewelry - maker with the goal of improving her family’s livelihood. Today, her managers describe her as “an empowered Artisan.” Through her hard work and dedication, she is now thriving as an independent woman, able to support the needs of her family thro ugh her craft. Her workshop colleagues share that Sapna’s creative contributions “enrich our work and inspire us all.”
RubyRuby has a smile that could light up any room – and that smile has only become brighter since she joined Rashi Han dicrafts. She began her life in extreme poverty, but this tenacious woman beat the odds and has broken the cycle of poverty for her children. Today, Ruby contributes her jewelry - making and textile skills to create beautiful products for Noonday’s customers. But it is Ruby’s journey that continually inspires her workshop colleagues, who say that her creations “radiate beauty and strength.”
ShamIndia ranks 127 out of 146 countries for gender inequality, and forced marriage, domestic abuse, and limited opportunities for women are all too common. But men like Sham are helping change their culture. Sham is one of the few men at the workshop where he works as a manager, but he treats all of his female colleagues with dignity and respect. “I’m able to serve my family. Women should be able to do the same,” he says. He is also saving money to send all of his young daughters to school so they can have the bright futures they deserve.